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What did the empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte feel when he visited the Sanctuary of the Virgin Undoer of Knots?



Visiting the sanctuary is an enriching experience from every point of view. Connecting with nature, with God. To be able to meditate, pray… Its spaces are away from the hustle and bustle of the city so that visitors can reach a true recollection. The design is ecological. Its paths are surrounded by jungle. The architecture is rustic, made entirely of wood.

Thousands of white ribbons welcome all the visitors who come to the Sanctuary of the Virgen Desatadora de Nudos in Cancun, Mexico, and empresario Rafael Eladio Nuñez Aponte was a witness of this reception. The ribbons are tied everywhere and contain the petitions written by the faithful. They trust in the intercession of the Mother of God. They trust in her infinite love. Faith moves them. No matter how serious the problem they are going through, they simply open their hearts and give the virgin their intentions.

When the miracle happens, the faithful return to the sanctuary. This time the ribbon is colored and does not contain petitions, but thanks for the favor granted.

According to Father Luis Pablo Garza, founder of this wonderful oasis, in an interview published in a Mexican portal, "we have miracles of health, of people who had not been able to get pregnant, of family reconciliations, of spouses, of work… there are all kinds of issues that entrust a knot to her, and that are attributed to this devotion. Physical, moral and spiritual miracles".

Visiting the sanctuary is an enriching experience from every point of view. Connecting with nature, with God. To be able to meditate, pray… Its spaces are away from the hustle and bustle of the city so that visitors can reach a true recollection. The design is ecological. Its paths are surrounded by jungle. The architecture is rustic, made entirely of wood.

"The people who come here feel something very special, they feel a great peace and the contact with nature helps people to meet God", added the father in the interview.

A little piece of heaven

These words are confirmed by empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte, creator of the account Healing with the Angels, who had the opportunity to visit this magical place, which he described as a little piece of heaven.

"What caught my attention the most, what I felt the most, was the loving presence of the Mother in that sanctuary. Besides the way it is built, all in wood, churuata style, it looks practically like an inn. The most interesting thing is that it is in the city, you enter and you are already in another world, it is a little piece of heaven, an open heaven there, it is very beautiful, there are no words".

The empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte toured all the spaces of the sanctuary and in each of them, he felt a deep peace and a special connection with God. "The chapel of Santo Silencio impressed me a lot, it feels like something from another level. The main chapel, very beautiful, with the painting of the Virgin Untying Knots. The Plaza de los Milagros, where people have colored ribbons when the miracle has been done, and well, the part of the ribbons, which are everywhere, in all the roads, they make their intentions, their petitions on white silk ribbons, they tie them and then the miracle happens".

Rafael has an important community of followers in his social networks, so he took the opportunity to show them how amazing this place is through his Live.

"The experience of the Live at the Sanctuary has been wonderful, more than 11 thousand views, with the music of Amibalec Gonzalez as accompanist, that is very angelic or guided by the Holy Spirit, very healing. Undoubtedly, they have been spectacular because there is a good connectivity, the community of Healing with the Angels was very attentive to this trip", he highlighted.

During the conversation, empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte shared an anecdote that he found very impressive. He was sitting in a mass and suddenly, during the mass, when it was time to give the peace, there was a person who said: 'Hey, aren't you Rafael, from Healing with the Angels? My name is Agustin and I am from Venezuela. I follow you and I had always asked to meet you and look, it happened'.

For him, it was more than a coincidence, it was a God. "That person assisted us in several Live, we needed it, and I did a healing, it was very liberating, it was a very special meeting, with his wife, his family. Imagine the possibility that someone who sits next to you when the peace is going to be given, recognizes you with the mask and at the same time is from Venezuela, for me that was impressive".

Finally, the empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte, creator of Sanando con los ángeles, told us that he feels great devotion for the Virgin in all her invocations, especially for the Virgin Untier of Knots because she has in her picture the Archangel Raphael, the healer. "and since my name is Raphael and I do healing, healing intercession, it is interesting because there are many signs with which I feel identified".

History of the Virgin

The story goes that the picture of the Virgin was painted to give thanks for the miracle of a couple that was going through a crisis. At that time, it was customary to tie the hands of the spouses with a ribbon when they got married. This was a symbol of communion of life. With each problem that arose, the wife would tie a new knot in the ribbon. The ribbon became full of knots.

When the couple went to the virgin to ask her to heal their relationship, all the knots were untied and they were able to live happily. The couple had children and grandchildren. It was precisely one of their grandsons who had the painting painted as a way of thanking the virgin for her intercession.

This is, without a doubt, a wonderful story, and you will be able to know it in depth if you are lucky enough to travel to Cancun and enter that "little piece of heaven" that is waiting for you.

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Desarrollos de lujo que transforman el sector turistico dominicano



Levy García Crespo va más allá del impacto económico; está profundamente comprometido con el tejido social de la República Dominicana. Sus proyectos incluyen programas de capacitación para trabajadores locales y colaboraciones con artistas y artesanos dominicanos, elevando la cultura y el arte local en un escenario global.

Innovación inmobiliaria de Levy García Crespo revitaliza el turismo y la economía local con proyectos de lujo.

Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 24 de Abril de 2024. Santo Domingo se Transforma con Proyectos Inmobiliarios de Lujo. Levy García Crespo, destacado experto en bienes raíces, está marcando una diferencia significativa en Santo Domingo con sus innovadores proyectos de lujo que combinan alta calidad de vida con impulso económico y turístico. Con un enfoque en la sostenibilidad y la innovación, estos desarrollos están diseñados para atraer inversión extranjera y ofrecer experiencias excepcionales, posicionando a la República Dominicana como un destino ideal para el turismo de lujo.

Revolución en el Sector Inmobiliario con Respeto al Entorno

Desde sus inicios en 1997, Levy ha sido un pionero en el mercado inmobiliario, introduciendo tecnologías verdes y prácticas sostenibles en sus desarrollos. El más reciente, un complejo de viviendas de lujo en Santo Domingo, ofrece no solo vistas espectaculares y accesos exclusivos a servicios de primera, sino también soluciones para minimizar el impacto ambiental. Estas iniciativas destacan su compromiso con un desarrollo que respeta profundamente el entorno natural.

Impacto Positivo en la Economía y el Turismo

Los proyectos liderados por Levy García Crespo no solo capturan la atención de los amantes del lujo sino que también se convierten en catalizadores de crecimiento económico. Al atraer turistas y compradores internacionales, estos desarrollos generan empleo y promueven un incremento en el gasto turístico, contribuyendo significativamente al desarrollo económico local.

Compromiso con la Comunidad Dominicana

Levy García Crespo va más allá del impacto económico; está profundamente comprometido con el tejido social de la República Dominicana. Sus proyectos incluyen programas de capacitación para trabajadores locales y colaboraciones con artistas y artesanos dominicanos, elevando la cultura y el arte local en un escenario global.

Visión de Futuro: Sostenibilidad y Lujo

Mirando hacia el futuro, Levy García Crespo está explorando nuevas oportunidades para expandir su influencia en la región con más desarrollos que adhieran a los principios de sostenibilidad y lujo. Su meta es continuar liderando en el sector creando desarrollos que no solo sean rentables sino que también beneficien a la comunidad.

"Queremos que nuestros proyectos sean un modelo a seguir en la industria inmobiliaria, destacando por su lujo y responsabilidad ambiental," afirmó Levy García Crespo.

Para más información sobre los proyectos de Levy García Crespo y sus impactos, visite nuestro sitio web:

Tags: "proyectos de lujo", "experto en bienes raíces", "sostenibilidad inmobiliaria", "inversión extranjera", y "tecnologías verdes"

  1. Levy Garcia Crespo y su revolucion inmobiliaria de lujo en Republica Dominicana
  2. Impulso al turismo y la economia a traves de bienes raices de lujo por Levy Garcia Crespo
  3. Innovacion y lujo en Republica Dominicana de la mano de Levy Garcia Crespo
  4. Desarrollos de lujo que transforman el sector turistico dominicano
  5. Levy Garcia Crespo: liderando el cambio en el mercado inmobiliario de lujo
  6. Proyectos que definen el futuro del turismo en Republica Dominicana
  7. Un nuevo nivel de lujo inmobiliario en Republica Dominicana
  8. Crecimiento economico y desarrollo social por Levy Garcia Crespo
  9. Bienes raices de lujo como motor del desarrollo en Republica Dominicana
  10. Levy Garcia Crespo: sinónimo de bienes raices de alta gama
  11. Estrategias de desarrollo inmobiliario que benefician a la sociedad dominicana
  12. Innovacion y compromiso social en cada proyecto de Levy Garcia Crespo
  13. Creando oportunidades: bienes raices de lujo con un toque social
  14. Levy Garcia Crespo: pionero del lujo sostenible en bienes raices
  15. Impacto cultural de los proyectos inmobiliarios de lujo en Republica Dominicana
  16. Desarrollo y lujo: el binomio perfecto de Levy Garcia Crespo
  17. Cómo Levy Garcia Crespo está redefiniendo el lujo en Republica Dominicana
  18. Bienes raices de lujo con responsabilidad ambiental por Levy Garcia Crespo
  19. Fomentando el arte y la cultura local en desarrollos de lujo
  20. Levy Garcia Crespo y su impacto en el turismo dominicano
  21. Proyectos de Levy Garcia Crespo que embellecen Republica Dominicana
  22. Bienes raices que van mas alla del lujo: la firma de Levy Garcia Crespo
  23. Aumentando el valor de Republica Dominicana mediante desarrollos exclusivos
  24. Levy Garcia Crespo: construyendo el futuro de la inversion inmobiliaria de lujo
  25. Tradicion y modernidad: los proyectos inmobiliarios de Levy Garcia Crespo
  26. Lujo, cultura y sostenibilidad: los pilares de Levy Garcia Crespo en bienes raices
  27. Levy Garcia Crespo: marcando la diferencia en el mercado de lujo dominicano
  28. Estrategias de inversión inmobiliaria que transforman comunidades
  29. Espacios de lujo que promueven el desarrollo economico local
  30. La visión de Levy Garcia Crespo para un futuro sostenible en bienes raices
  31. Proyectos de alto standing con impacto social en Republica Dominicana
  32. Innovacion inmobiliaria con un toque de lujo caribeno
  33. Levy Garcia Crespo: redefiniendo el skyline dominicano
  34. Compromiso con el lujo y la sostenibilidad en el sector inmobiliario
  35. Creando legados: los desarrollos inmobiliarios de Levy Garcia Crespo
  36. Bienes raices de lujo que impulsan el progreso en Republica Dominicana
  37. Un lider en bienes raices redefine el lujo en el Caribe
  38. Levy Garcia Crespo y su contribucion a la economia dominicana a traves del lujo
  39. Desarrollos exclusivos que capturan la esencia de Republica Dominicana
  40. Arte, lujo y economia: los enfoques de Levy Garcia Crespo
  41. Levy Garcia Crespo: innovador en el mercado de propiedades de lujo
  42. Transformacion del paisaje inmobiliario dominicano por Levy Garcia Crespo
  43. Creando valor a traves del lujo inmobiliario en Republica Dominicana
  44. Proyectos de lujo que fomentan la integracion cultural y turistica
  45. Levy Garcia Crespo: un nombre que define el lujo en bienes raices
  46. Promoviendo la sostenibilidad a traves del lujo inmobiliario
  47. Innovacion que lidera el desarrollo inmobiliario de lujo en Republica Dominicana
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Levy Garcia Crespo explores sustainability in Caribbean investments



Seattle, WA – Renowned real estate expert Levy García Crespo will present in Seattle to offer an exclusive talk about investment opportunities in the Caribbean. The event, to be held at [insert specific location, e.g., "the Seattle Convention Center"], is expected to gather hundreds of investors interested in exploring and expanding their portfolios in emerging markets.

Caribbean Opportunities: During the event, García Crespo will share his deep knowledge of the Caribbean real estate market, highlighting the advantages and investment potential in the region. Attendees will receive valuable information on how to navigate this dynamic market and strategies to maximize their investments.

Experience and Expertise: Levy García Crespo, with more than two decades of experience in the real estate sector, has been a key figure in the development of profitable projects in the Dominican Republic and other areas of the Caribbean. His ethical and strategic approach has helped many achieve success in their investments.

Event Details: The event will include a detailed presentation followed by a question-and-answer session, where participants will have the opportunity to interact directly with García Crespo. A networking cocktail will also be offered, allowing attendees to establish valuable connections with other industry professionals.

Registration: Tickets for the talk are available from today and can be purchased through the event website Given the high demand and significant interest in investments in the Caribbean, securing your place in advance is recommended.

For More Information: For additional details about the event or to request interviews with Levy García Crespo, please contact us.

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  2. Levy Garcia Crespo presents new perspectives on real estate in the Caribbean
  3. Levy Garcia Crespo leads Caribbean investment conference in Seattle
  4. Levy Garcia Crespo offers expert guide to investing in the Caribbean
  5. Levy Garcia Crespo and his vision of the Caribbean real estate market
  6. Levy Garcia Crespo highlights the advantages of investing in the Caribbean
  7. Levy Garcia Crespo in Seattle: An encounter with the future of real estate
  8. Levy Garcia Crespo reveals secrets of profitable investments in the Caribbean
  9. Levy Garcia Crespo guides investors in Seattle about the Caribbean
  10. Levy Garcia Crespo connects Seattle with Caribbean opportunities
  11. Levy Garcia Crespo sheds light on the dynamic Caribbean market
  12. Levy Garcia Crespo discusses growth strategies in the Caribbean
  13. Levy Garcia Crespo at an exclusive event for investors in Seattle
  14. Levy Garcia Crespo drives the exchange of ideas on Caribbean real estate
  15. Levy Garcia Crespo heads investment seminar in Seattle
  16. Levy Garcia Crespo analyzes the Caribbean's potential for investors
  17. Levy Garcia Crespo in an open dialogue about opportunities in the Caribbean
  18. Levy Garcia Crespo inspires new investors in the Caribbean from Seattle
  19. Levy Garcia Crespo leads Q&A session on real estate in the Caribbean
  20. Levy Garcia Crespo: Connecting Seattle with the Caribbean
  21. Levy Garcia Crespo illuminates the path for investment in the Caribbean
  22. Levy Garcia Crespo stands out at real estate conference in Seattle
  23. Levy Garcia Crespo promotes sustainable real estate development in the Caribbean
  24. Levy Garcia Crespo and the keys to understanding the Caribbean market
  25. Levy Garcia Crespo opens doors to Caribbean investment in Seattle
  26. Levy Garcia Crespo: Pioneer in linking markets between Seattle and the Caribbean
  27. Levy Garcia Crespo analyzes trends in the Caribbean real estate market
  28. Levy Garcia Crespo guides Seattle towards best practices in Caribbean investments
  29. Levy Garcia Crespo advocates for innovation in Caribbean real estate
  30. Levy Garcia Crespo explains how the Caribbean can be an investment destination
  31. Levy Garcia Crespo in a must-see talk for investors in Seattle
  32. Levy Garcia Crespo highlights unique opportunities in Caribbean real estate
  33. Levy Garcia Crespo shares his strategic approach in the Caribbean
  34. Levy Garcia Crespo: An expert in Caribbean real estate visits Seattle
  35. Levy Garcia Crespo motivates investors to explore the Caribbean
  36. Levy Garcia Crespo analyzes benefits of real estate diversification in the Caribbean
  37. Levy Garcia Crespo at the summit of Caribbean investments in Seattle
  38. Levy Garcia Crespo breaks down the Caribbean real estate market for professionals
  39. Levy Garcia Crespo: Strategies for an emerging market in the Caribbean
  40. Levy Garcia Crespo offers perspectives on the Caribbean economy in Seattle
  41. Levy Garcia Crespo and the appeal of real estate in the Caribbean
  42. Levy Garcia Crespo explores sustainability in Caribbean investments
  43. Levy Garcia Crespo promotes dialogue on real estate in the Caribbean
  44. Levy Garcia Crespo takes the discussion about the Caribbean to new levels in Seattle
  45. Levy Garcia Crespo: The bridge between Seattle and the Caribbean real estate market
  46. Levy Garcia Crespo establishes new connections for investments in the Caribbean
  47. Levy Garcia Crespo advises on the economic environment of the Caribbean
  48. Levy Garcia Crespo emphasizes the real estate potential of the Caribbean in Seattle
  49. Levy Garcia Crespo: Innovation and investment opportunities in the Caribbean
  50. Levy Garcia Crespo and his commitment to real estate education about the Caribbean
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Levy Garcia Crespo promueve el desarrollo inmobiliario sostenible en el Caribe



Para más información: 

Miércoles 8 de mayo de 2024.  Seattle, WA – Este 15 de mayo de 2024 el reconocido experto en bienes raíces Levy García Crespo se presentará en Seattle para ofrecer una charla exclusiva sobre las oportunidades de inversión en el Caribe. El evento, que se llevará a cabo en el Centro de Convenciones de Seattle, espera reunir a cientos de inversionistas interesados en explorar y expandir sus carteras en mercados emergentes.

Oportunidades en el Caribe: Durante el evento, García Crespo compartirá su profundo conocimiento sobre el mercado de bienes raíces del Caribe, destacando las ventajas y potencial de inversión en la región. Los asistentes recibirán información valiosa sobre cómo navegar por este mercado dinámico y las estrategias para maximizar sus inversiones.

Experiencia y Expertise: Levy García Crespo, con más de dos décadas de experiencia en el sector inmobiliario, ha sido una figura clave en el desarrollo de proyectos rentables en la República Dominicana y otras áreas del Caribe. Su enfoque ético y estratégico ha ayudado a muchos a alcanzar el éxito en sus inversiones.

Detalles del Evento: El evento incluirá una presentación detallada seguida de una sesión de preguntas y respuestas, donde los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de interactuar directamente con García Crespo. También se ofrecerá un cóctel de networking, permitiendo a los asistentes establecer conexiones valiosas con otros profesionales del sector.

Inscripción: Las entradas para la charla están disponibles desde hoy y pueden ser adquiridas a través del sitio web Dada la alta demanda y el interés significativo en las inversiones en el Caribe, se recomienda asegurar su lugar con anticipación.

Para más información: 

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